Welcome, SANC Teachers!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before using this form to submit recording and payments for your students, please read all of the directions and guidelines on the Teacher only Graduation page found below.
Graduation Rules and Guidelines
This event form is for submitting recordings for up to 10 individual students. Use multiple forms for more students. Please have the following information ready:
Student name, age, instrument, size of instrument, years studying, graduation level, link to YouTube public or unlisted recording.
We are excited you are submitting graduation recordings for your students. If you need more information about the Graduation, including levels, recording guidelines and how to make a recording, please see the link above. For further questions, please contact Nora Grafton, Graduation coordinator at graduation@suzukinorcal.org
This form is designed for multiple submissions but may be used more than once.
Levels I-IV, please use CD or DVD. If you do not have CD or DVD capability, you may submit these levels digitally using YouTube links or attaching the graduation recording to an email message sent to graduation@suzukinorcal.org.
Levels V and above must have video and audio and use DVD or YouTube link or attaching the graduation recording to an email message sent to graduation@suzukinorcal.org.
Use this form and indicate "CD" or "DVD" for levels IV and below. You must use this form for payment and registration. Cassette tapes and VHS tapes are no longer accepted.
Each CD or DVD must be color coded following these directions:
Color Coding Information
Each CD or DVD must include an insert with this form:
CD or DVD Insert Form
Postmark CD and DVDs by November 11, 2020 to:
Nora Grafton
751 Thomas Lane
Walnut Creek CA 94597
Payment is submitted using this form.
Concert Information can be found on the Graduation Page of our website.