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how to for event directors

How To for Event Directors

Good news! We've streamlined and updated the process so it should be fairly easy to have your Suzuki events sponsored by SMAC-LA. If you are an event director and are seeking SMAC-LA sponsorship (insurance and publicity), here are the three easy steps:

1. Fill out the SMAC Event Form at least 60 days (2 months) in advance

2. Send the Event Form to the SMAC-LA State Rep, Carrie Salisbury, at; you will be notified when it has been approved

3. If seeking reimbursement or payment requests, fill out the Reimbursement Form 1 month prior to event (final reimbursement forms must be submitted no later than 1 month after the date of the event)

Please note:

Event coordinators should work closely with the SMAC-LA State Representative to SMAC through this process

ALL advertisement, programs, marketing and promotional material MUST contain the SMAC Logo in order to comply with non-profit law

Meeting the above deadlines will ensure that there is nothing held up in running the event and that the event can be insured and sponsored by SMAC

"When love is deep, much can be accomplished." - Shinichi Suzuki

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